Infographic that talks about what to do about finances when you're going through a divorce.


What to 考虑 when navigating through your divorce and finances.

当某人结婚时, the last thing they want to 考虑 is how to get through a divorce financially. However, divorce can come at any age and at any stage of a marriage. One of the most important things you can do to help ensure a stable life for yourself after a divorce is to focus on getting your finances in order. This is why financial planning can be critical for starting over after a divorce.

As preparations for the divorce begin, it can be helpful to refer to a 离婚的清单. Also, 考虑 these areas as you approach financial planning during and after a divorce.


It’s important to understanding how the divorce 将 impact you financially. Since you’ll likely be going from two sources of income down to one, your single income might not be enough to maintain your standard of living. Hiring a financial professional might be a good option to help you through the financial process before you work on a divorce settlement agreement. 使用这个 支出的计算器 to see what you're spending today and what you could be spending if adjustments were made.


When gathering important documents, the minimum number of years you'll want to go back is three. 文件应包括:

  • 银行和信用卡对账单
  • 贷款文件
  • 房地产文件
  • 退休帐户详情
  • pp王者电子官网文件及遗嘱
  • 股票和债券
  • 纳税申报表
  • 个人财产和情感物品的清单
  • A 家里的库存


考虑关闭联名账户, 更改任何直接存款, 并在必要时更新你的账户地址. 同样重要的是要考虑是否 受益人变更 are needed for 人寿pp王者电子官网, retirement accounts and other legal documents including a 以及委托书.


因为离婚会对你的财务状况造成影响, 考虑制定一个新的月度预算是个好主意. Be sure to include everything from your water bill to medical bills to groceries and home repairs to your child's sports fees.

  • 合计你的开支
  • 把你的收入加起来
  • 从收入中减去你的开支
  • 确定净结果是正还是负

如果结果是肯定的,那是一件好事.如果结果是否定的,你可能想要 考虑 裁员, or cutting back on things such as eating out, shopping, personal grooming or streaming services. 你也可以考虑一下 finding additional ways to supplement your income, 比如找第二份工作, 帮你支付每月的开销.


如果你依靠你的配偶提供医疗pp王者电子官网, 你可能需要在离婚后找到自己的pp王者电子官网. 如果你的雇主提供健康pp王者电子官网选项, 考虑改用你雇主的pp王者电子官网计划是个好主意. Divorce is 考虑ed a life change that allows enrollment outside the typical enrollment period. 眼镜蛇 pp王者电子官网是另一种选择,但它可能很昂贵.


为你的财务未来做计划是前进的关键, 包括设定短期和长期的储蓄目标.

  • 短期目标: 现在是开始建立一个 应急基金 如果你还没有的话. 你可以考虑用额外的资金来 摆脱债务 也.
  • 长期目标: 你也可以考虑一下 为大学存钱 和/或为抵押贷款而储蓄.

Whether it’s a first divorce or not, it’s never an easy thing to get through. It’s a good idea to surround yourself with people who love and support you, 如果你需要帮助,别忘了寻求帮助.

离婚的时候, it is important to set aside time to evaluate your finances and make any updates. This list of must-dos can help you protect your financial and emotional health as you move forward.1



  • 纳税申报表
  • 财务和银行对账单
  • 退休及pp王者电子官网帐户详情
  • 遗嘱


更改地址 必要时.

建立一个单独的银行账户 改变直接存款.

更新受益人名称 用于退休或投资账户和pp王者电子官网政策.

盘点你的家. 列出物品的价值,以及任何值得纪念的物品.

考虑找一个有信誉的离婚律师, 你是打算上法庭还是调解. A divorce involves several contracts, and legal expertise can be helpful.

评估你的预算. 你可能增加了生活开支, 包括租金或新的抵押贷款, 以及税收状况的改变. 也要盘点一下你的资产和债务.

创建新的个人法律文件; 包括遗嘱和委托书.

研究人寿和健康pp王者电子官网的选择. If you are on a spouse's policy, you 将 need to find your own coverage.

不要签署任何东西 直到 你有时间评估其当前和未来的影响.

关注未来. Be sure to take care of yourself and ask for help when you need it.

你的州立农场代理 can help you navigate insurance and financial decisions throughout the process.


The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 国营农场® (including 国营农场 Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 国营农场 makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.





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A 将 is a legal document that establishes who 将 receive your assets from your estate and can appoint guardianship of minors.


When divorcing t在这里 are many 考虑ations such as legal aspects, 孩子们, 财富分配, 建立一个不同的生活.


帮助 take the guesswork out of prioritizing your lifelong financial goals with this infographic that categorizes retirement goals, 按年龄划分的短期目标和其他财务事项.


离婚? 出于这些原因,你可能需要重新审视你的人寿pp王者电子官网.

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