

Make the moves necessary to successfully improve your credit score. 在这里查看方法.

重建信用, potential jobs and corrections to your credit report

Improving your credit score is possible, and you can rebuild a poor credit history. Understanding what goes into your credit score can help you understand how to rebuild it.


Here are some actions you may take in order to help you rebuild credit:

  • 定期在网上检查你的信用卡账户. Look over your purchases to make sure they were accurately charged, as mistakes can be made. 如果你看到上次付款的滞纳金, 确保你找到原因,并在30天之前付款.
  • 按时支付账单 对你的信用报告有积极的影响, 因为超过30天的账单会出现在你的报告上. 付款历史是你信用评分的最大因素. Late payments can remain on your report for 7 years from the original delinquency. 如果你现在开始按时付款,并保持与时俱进, your past late payments will affect your score less and less over time and can one day drop off.
  • 保持你的信用利用率低于30%. Credit utilization is the second most important factor after payment history. Credit utilization ratio is the relation between your available revolving credit and your revolving credit balance. Revolving credit includes revolving loans like your credit cards and does not include non-revolving loans such as your mortgage or auto loan. 如果你能把你的信用利用率保持在10%或以下, 这对你的信用评分会更好.
  • Be aware that bankruptcies will stay on your credit report for 10 years. Don't let that deter you from building your credit: the impact will lessen over time. Continue making payments on time and keep your credit utilization rate low.
  • 增加每月经常性费用 (手机话费、健身会员卡等.)使旧信用卡保持活跃. This can help you keep a low credit utilization rate because you're using less of your available credit.
  • 担保信用卡 are an option if your credit score doesn't allow you to have a regular (unsecured) credit card, if you don't have any credit history and want to build it up safely, or if you want to place a limit on how much you can spend on your card. These differ from regular (unsecured) credit cards because they require you to place a deposit in order to be granted a line of credit. 信用额度一般等于你的存款. Credit issuers can then use that deposit as collateral if you're unable to pay.
  • 成为授权用户 使用信用卡是提高信用评分的好方法. An authorized user is someone who is added to the primary cardholder's credit card account. The authorized user is allowed to use the primary cardholder's card and can have their own card issued with their name on it. 如果主持卡人按时付款, 他们的付款记录可以对你的信用产生积极的影响. 然而, 如果他们不按时付款, 你可能要重新考虑加入他们的信用卡, 因为逾期付款会对你的信用产生负面影响.


  • The length of time for improvement depends on what is on your credit report. 如果你的信用评分较低或没有信用记录, you might see an improvement within a few billing cycles just by paying your loans and/or credit cards on time and lowering your credit utilization rate.
  • 与机构和贷款人沟通 如果你有支付账单的困难. 他们通常会和你一起工作. If a lender is able to remove any negative history from your report, you could see significant improvement as you continue to pay your bills on time.


When you request a credit report, make sure everything on the report is correct. 如果需要的话, t在这里 are instructions included with your credit report on how to dispute any false information. This is important because all of the information in the report determines your score. Removing incorrect information could cause a quick bump up in score. 关于你的信用报告,其他要记住的事情是:

  • AnnualCreditReport.com allows you to pull one credit report from each credit bureau every 12 months (Pro tip: Instead of pulling all three every 12 months, 每四个月拉一个局).
  • 信用修复公司可以拉你的信用帮助, 但在现实中, 你可以自己修理东西而不需要额外的费用.
  • 为你自己的记录保存信用报告.


影响你信用评分的五个因素, and how they interact with your financial decisions day to day is important for understanding what actions you can take now to begin rebuilding credit. 可以采取的一些步骤是:

  • Look at your credit report to pinpoint w在这里 your setback happened — such as high credit card balances, 拖欠付款或账户过多.
  • Turn the knowledge of what happened in the past into improved actions today.
  • 开始做决定来建立和提高你的信用.


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The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Establishing credit is important, so understanding how it works is equally important.


保留一张旧信用卡可以提高你的信用评分, 但前提是你能避免消费的诱惑.


Do you know what actions really help your credit score and which ones can harm it?

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