Woman on the phone discussing her identity theft report.


Identity theft is the act of stealing someone's personal information and identity fraud is the use of an individual's identifying information to commit crimes.


Identity theft occurs when someone uses information about you, 比如你的社会安全号码, 开设新金融账户的地址或出生日期, 购物或获得退税. 儿童个人信息 is particularly appealing to criminals as their information can be used to build a clean credit profile.

Today's digital society enables criminals to commit identity theft online at an individual level. But that's not the only way a person's identity can be stolen.


  • 偷来的钱包,钱包 Your purse and wallet contain crucial personal information — information that thieves can use to pretend to be you when opening new financial accounts.
  • 邮件- - -  邮件和包裹可能被盗 从你的垃圾桶和门廊. The information can be used to open new credit card accounts in your name.
  • 请求或调查- Holiday giving solicitations and surveys are simple ways identity thieves can get your information.
  • 〇网上购物 这很常见 网上购物 这些天. Your favorite shopping site can be hacked and your personal information stolen.
  • 钓鱼, 电子邮件被发送给潜在的受害者 有创意的标题. 罪犯希望哄骗你采取行动, like clicking on a link that might give them access to your personal information.
  • 恶意软件, Criminals attempt to get a person to download software through a 网站 in order to place software on their computer. 该软件, 通常免费提供, includes malicious software or malware that give open access to the victim's computer.


防止身份盗窃 可以成为日常工作吗. You should always have your computer and phone software up to date, 考虑双因素身份验证(2FA), 小心你收到的邮件, and review your bills and credit card statements regularly.


If your identity has been stolen, you should report the identity theft as soon as possible. 你需要联系当地的警察局, 你认为诈骗的始作俑者, update all of your log in credentials and possibly freeze your credit or create a fraud alert with the credit bureaus.

对于身份盗窃保护,状态 Farm®提供 身份恢复pp王者电子官网 that can help make restoring your financial state less painful and costly. For more information about 身份恢复pp王者电子官网, 联系你的州立农场代理.


Identity fraud means the fraudulent use of an individual's identifying information to commit crimes such as tax fraud, 非法设立信用账户的, 伪造身份证或护照, 获得贷款或签订合同. Identity fraud occurs when a criminal uses personal information, such as a Social 安全 Number or credit card account number to steal financial resources.

Identity fraud does not occur when a credit card is simply stolen — it may be consumer fraud, 但不是身份欺诈. Identity fraud occurs when someone steals personal information, opens credit card accounts in your name without permission and charges merchandise to those accounts.

在美国,身份欺诈是一项联邦犯罪. 根据消费者事务部的说法, credit card fraud is the most common method of account takeover.

如果你发现自己是身份盗窃或欺诈的受害者, 举报欺诈行为 and contact the police and your financial institution immediately. For more information about online security and identity theft, visit the 联邦贸易委员会 网站.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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Learn about data breaches and some tips to help keep your information secure from cyber-thieves.


Keep your financial information safe when you make purchases online by avoiding unsafe sites and only entering your credit card information to secure sites.


Staying informed about your credit report could stop credit fraud and identity theft.

Smartphone security and tips to help prevent identity theft

保护智能手机的简单技巧, 比如锁定它,设置双因素身份验证, 可以帮助防止身份盗窃吗.

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